Seymour Community Schools will provide bus transportation for students who reside in areas approved for transportation.
School bus drivers are to have control of all school children while they are being transported between the homes of the children and the school and return. The driver shall keep order, maintain discipline among the children while on the bus, treat all children in a civil manner, see that no child is imposed upon or mistreated while on the bus, treat all children in a civil manner, see that no child is imposed upon or mistreated while in his/her charge, and use every care for the safety of the children under his/her charge.
Students riding the school bus shall abide by the following rules for pupil safety:
Students shall be waiting at his/her loading station when bus arrives.
Students shall be seated immediately upon entering the bus. Some students may be assigned specific seats at the driver's discretion.
Students shall not stand or move from place to place during the trip except by direction of the driver.
Students are not to open or close windows or doors except by permission of the driver.
Students are not to enter or exit the bus until it has come to a complete stop and the driver has opened the door.
Students shall not use loud, boisterous, or profane language.
Students shall not tease, scuffle, trip, hold, hit, or use their hands or feet or body in any objectionable manner.
In the event of flagrant violation of school bus rules and regulations, disciplinary action will be taken with the severity to be dependent on the seriousness of the infraction.
Click HERE for the handout that was available at Back-To- School night and in the office.