Electronic Use Policy


• Use of Cell Phone or Electronic Device in Class

1st offense: T/F Evening School; Equipment confiscated and kept in the main office until picked up by parent –phones will not be returned to students
2nd offense: In-School Suspension; Equipment confiscated and kept in the main office until picked up by parent -phones will not be returned to students
3rd offense: Out-of-School Suspension; Mandatory Parent Conference


• Use of Electronic Device in Class Without the Express Permission of the Teacher

1st offense: Equipment confiscated and kept in main office until picked up by parent – electronic devices will not be returned to students
2nd offense: T/F Evening School; Equipment confiscated and kept in the main office until picked up by parent– electronic devices will not be returned to students
3rd offense: In-School Suspension; Equipment confiscated and kept in the main office until picked up by parent– electronic de-vices will not be returned to students
4th offense: Out-of-School Suspension; Mandatory Parent Conference


• Using School Computers During Class Time for Inappropriate or Unauthorized Purposes.

1st offense: Conference with student; 2 Detentions
2nd offense: Conference with student; 5 Detentions
3rd offense: Mandatory Parent Conference; 2 T/F Evening School Detentions
4th offense: 2-4 Days Suspension from school

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