Locker Talk



School Breakfast and Lunch Updates
We look forward to seeing your student in the cafeteria each day and we believe that "Every child deserves a smile."  This is just a reminder that you can monitor your student's cafeteria balance online at You do not need to pay online to monitor the account.  Also, applications for free or reduced priced meals are available at the school office or by calling 812-271-1344. You can apply at any time during the school year. 

Jackson County Public Library's website is a GREAT resource to all!!

Click logo to visit.

Student Government and the Student Council of Seymour Middle School are pleased to announce that we will be collecting Box Tops for Education.

Here's what we are asking from you: Please clip and save your boxtops, send them to school with your student. Visit (Reading Room, Coupons, Bonus Box Tops, Deals and Discounts, and other really cool perks). 

Girls Inc. of Jackson County, Click LOGO to go to their website.  If you need any additional information please call Girls Inc @ 812-522-2798.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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